I certainly felt myself slipping into the above habits. To that end I decided to turn off my phone and buy the cheapest one down here whose only use is for talking. I'm also giving up on TV except for NFL games to see how the season ends and LOST when it starts up again (I can't discuss my excitement about that show rationally). I'm trying to be the unplugged version of me, but to do that right I probably need to go to Antarctica or something. I do miss staying in touch with my friends, but that's what emails and this blog are for (and skype which I have just learned)!
One thing that has been suspiciously lacking on here is pictures.... I've dusted off the camera and even though I hate being the turista I've decided to take my camera with me wherever I go. It weighs about as much as my blackberry so it helps with my digital withdrawal. I've decided to go overboard on this post to make up for my lack of pics thus far.
A few basic shots to set the scene. This is the studio I am staying at (yes that's a crib for my buddy's newborn):
I am 3rd one up to the right.
View from the rooftop pool. Lots of other people hanging out on a Monday afternoon as you can see.
Yesterday, I took my 2nd tango lesson from el maestro Raul Cabral. He is a famous instructor who travels the world to teach tango to uncoordinated gringos like myself. He taught me at this studio owned by famous sexy Argentine actress, Jessica Schultz. She's 50 now but has pictures of all of her theater and TV work from back in the day and still looks great. She also loves walking around hugging her 2 yr old cat. This is the studio:
Raul and I after our lesson.
Lastly, I joined Raul at a Milonga last night. Remember a Milonga is a large hall where people dance tango all nights. They don't get hopping till around midnight and hit their peak sometime around 2am but many stay past 4am. They always give Raul one of the best tables and he's like a movie star there as every 10 minutes someone comes up to say hi and wish him well. I will cover the Milongas and tango dancing in general in a future post but the best way to describe them is a cross between a high school dance and a wedding reception (with a little roller derby thrown in) except everyone can dance really well (except me). All the well dressed people sit and drink around a dance floor and the guys are expected to approach women to dance all night. The woman can politely decline but most of the time she says yes, even if she came with a guy. All is done super respectfully, and as you'll see it gets CROWDED! This is at 1am...
You better be ready to drink here.
This guy has been at all 3 Milongas I've been to. I think he's stalking me........... If I see him at a 4th, it will not end well for him.
Raul and I enjoying some cerveza + a 2am show with 2 excellent tango dancers.
Lastly, apparently 2 esteemed tango dancers had died in the last month. One young and one old, so they did a video tribute after the show where everyone clapped and paid their respects. It is a tight knit community:
That's all for this post. Hasta luego muchachos.
I took tango while you were away. It's really awesome. But you have to have a strong male partner who knows what he's doing, and you have to have a female who will let him lead. Terribly hard for me...